Very Rare Parrot Flower, Impatiens Psittacina

Nature is design so many things amazingly. This is an amazing flower which nature designed. This flower looks like a parrot and very rare flower, and as its shape this flower called parrot flower. We can find this plant in wild small region of north Thailand, Burma, North east India.

Scientific name of this parrot plant is “Impatiens Psittacina Hook.f”. This flower discovered by Shan state of Upper Burma by A.H.Hildebrand and seeds of it presented to Royal Gardens (Kew) in 1899 and it flowered in 1900. And the botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker was described this plant in 1901.
This parrot flower plant grows nearly 1.8 m (6 feet) and leafs of this plant has sharply pointed with 6cm length. The parrot flower size is nearly 5cm. The blooming season of parrot plant is October-November and tropical, humid, moist growing condition needs to this plant. This flower colored light purple and carmine red.  
Don’t you think this is amazing?

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