Mike Brown Faced a Bike Crash in His Test Ride

Rider, Mike Brown is preparing for a race by testing the track. His friend follows behind him and capturing his bike movements. As a bike rider it is important to know, which curves are fast which slippery and importantly which curves are accident waiting to happen. In the testing ride at the point 11 Mike Brown’s back tire slipped away and...

A Close Race between Jet and a Truck, Jet Vs Jet Truck

This video shows a close race between Jet and a Truck. Actually this is not a normal truck it is a JetTruck, it made with a Jet engine. What do you think about this race? You have to watch the video to see the result. Awesome vehicle loves this is a great video to you. Can you guys guess about the speed of this Jet Truck? Finally parachutes...

Dangerous Job Ever Cleaning a Cobra Pit

This guy was just cleaning out the cobra pit. He yanked them out of their napping spots and tossed them aside so he could sweep up their poop, dried skin and eggs! This look like the worst job ever one hit may course a death. When you think your job is the worst, think of this guy. It’s his job to clean out the cobra pit. Not that he seems...

Amazing Artwork from a Talented Sweet Girl

This video contains art work of the amazing skillful girl. She uses kind of a dark power to draw this 3D painting. In background there was a music playing and girl drawing the paining according to the music. According to the music she changed the previous drawing to new drawing amazingly. Her talents are unbelievable....

What is a Landslide? Watch the Live Giant Landslide in Japan

This video is contains a real live giant landslide happed in Japan route 168. A landslide is a geological phenomenon that often occurs in Japan. Most of lands in Japan are forested, mountainous, and unsuitable for agriculture or residential use. Because of these steep elevations, levels of rainfall, earthquakes, and soft ground, Japan is...

Most Viewed Magic Card Trick Ever not an Easy Card Trick

I know most of the guys try to learn card tricks but try to learn this card trick, this is awesome card trick and most viewed card trick in YouTube. The anonymous magician asks the Internet to “pick a card, any card,” and shuffles up some impressive results (Most famous magician for card tricks is David Copperfield). Watch and try to solve...

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