The Amazing Buried City of Pompeii | Volcano Vesuvius | People | Building Pictures

In early ages, 79 A.D August 24 was not just another day for the earth. Something was happening inside the earth. The people of Pompeii had been busy with their usual day to day work. Suddenly the Mount Vesuvius was erupted. People cannot change the nature; they all were looking the sky to see the ashes because of the eruption.  City...

Amazing Blind Spot Experiment

Again small practical tricks for you. This article shows some magic to you, but these are scientifically magics. Do you remember the O/L science? We learned something called "Blind Spot" in the eyes. "Blind Spot" is the place where the eye nerve connected to the eye. We cannot see images that are focused to the Blind spot in the eyes....

10 Most Amazing Paths Around The World

A path is a way or road created to go some place to another place. In this world, human beings created this path for simplifying their journey. These images are some amazing path created by human. Some paths are covered in ice all the time, some paths are very difficult to climb. 1. Somewhere in San Francisco  2. Tunnel...

Amazing Fire Waterfall of Yosemite - Pictures

Yosemite Park California - fire waterfall, is one of the most amazing sights of the world. In 1980 this named as "Yosemite park California".  Rough soil terrain, ancient pine trees and waterfalls helps this park famous around the world. The area of this park is around 1200 km2 and the "fire" waterfall of El Captain is the best attractive...

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