Amazing Body Tattoos Designs

Body tattoos is most famous thing among the new generation. So these are some amazing tattoos that people apply to their bodies. In early years peoples decorated there body with some symbols that symbols is for bravery and social standing in early years. ...

World Smallest Horse & Tallest Horse

World Tallest horse name is “Radar”. “Radar “ is a Belgian drought horse. The Smallest horse name is “Thumbelina”. The different between height of them are 157 cm. Radar, height is 6ft 7.5in from hoof to shoulder, he is from Mount pleasant, Texas. He weighted 2400lb, and need 18lb of grains to eat and 20 gallons of water to drink. ...

Try These Microsoft Secrets

Things that Microsoft couldn’t explainJust try these things Magic 1Try to create a Folder named as “CON”. This is an amazing stuff because any location in the computer we can’t create a Folder “CON”. All the Microsoft team also couldn’t answer this question why this happen. An Indian person found this. Try… Magic 2For the windows...

Kingdom of Polonnaruwa location SriLanka

Introduction The second capital (846 AD-1302 AD) of Sri Lanka, which in its prime was protected by 6 km of strong encircling walls. Strategically it commanded all the crossings over the longest & largest river of the island, River Mahaweli. Polonnaruwa's extensive & well-preserved ruins offer a fascinating snapshot of ancient...

PC Migration Utility: "PCmover" Transfer PC Programs and File within 10 minutes

By using this PCmover can transfer all the Soft wares and data (Music files, Word file etc) of the computer to another computer as it is. After transfer data and Soft wares from Commuter 1 to Computer 2. The two computers look like same. This Software made by “laplink” Software Company. When you buy a new computer or when you change...

Free Software From Microsoft DreamSpark

Microsoft decided to give free Software packages for Students. “DreamSpark” is the one of program to give free packages. These days Microsoft offering newest their technology free in Dreamspark. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said that this we done for the future of the world. Currently there are so many countries in the world involving...

Ireland Best Tourist Attractions Cliffs Of Moher, Awesome place to travel

This Cliffs of Moher is in Ireland, South from the Doolin village. This Cliffs are the biggest tourist attraction in Ireland. This cliffs rising slowly from Doolin village and cliffs rise 120 meters above from the Atlantic Ocean at the Hag’s Head, and reach to maximum of 214 meters just North of O’Brien’s Tower, 8 km away. ...

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